With rare exception, Bank Holidays aren't great for weather but at the times of year they take place, should it be a surprise?
The weather around South Wales over this weekend was a mixed bag - fairly humid but usually dull skies and even rain at times. Annoyingly, the weather is predicted to pick up as we go back to work. Looking out my window now, we've just had heavy showers to send everyone home - marvellous!
Got a feeling the country is also starting to feel the effects of the credit crunch. With energy prices rising, petrol costs getting ridiculous, house prices falling and jobs starting to be at risk - mine certainly included - I got the feeling many curtailed ambitious plans for travle in favour of something at home or more local.
Cardiff wasn't busy yesterday in town, Cup Final mania have impacted on City attendances and the roads just weren't as congested as they typically are at Bank Holidays.
About Bank Holiday weather. Please tell me I'm not the only one peed off we get the fewest Bank Holidays of any Western European country and none of them take place during summer. There's two in April, two more in May, one at the end of August and three more at Christmas/New Year. Now England have discovered nationality - they want a Bank Holiday for St George's Day in April and Wales are talking up St David's Day in March. I despair!
Please let's just have - a Summer Bank Holiday in June or July.
This ends the appeal on behlaf of the Hacked Off With Bank Holidays Clustered Together When The Weather Is Average Party. I thank you.
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