Monday, August 23, 2010

You've been McNuggeted

Wow, I think the words I'm looking for is over-reaction. Watch how this "lady" deals with the news that it's still brekky time in McDonald's so she can't have Chicken Nuggets. Cl;assy chick obviously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Folks!

I wanted to share with you a AMAZING site I just came across teaching [url=][b]Krav Maga[/b][/url] like they teach it in the Israeli Army (IDF) If you guys have seen the Discovery Channel TV Show called Fight Quest you would have seen their chief instructor Ran Nakash there featured on their [url=][b]Krav Maga[/b][/url] segment. Anyways, let me know what you think. Is training via the internet something you would do?

