Friday, April 25, 2008

Burnley v City preview (Wembley places in doubt? Yeah right!)

The penultimate match of this Championship season is of passing interest only for both sides who are both out of the running for promotion, play-offs and nowhere near the bottom.

Burnley are 12th on 61 points, City 13th on 60th - yep, it's is the proverbial end of season mid-table obscurity meaningless encounter.

Thoe home side are set to try a couple of youngsters while City, with Parry still unavailable by all accounts, probably aren't flushed with too many options to shuffle the pack but will be looking for a better performance at both ends of the pitch with more bite and sharpness after those 3-2 and 3-0 defeats respectively at Scunthorpe and Wolves in the past week.

Once again, Dave Jones warns Wembley places are up for grabs but, let's be honest, with our squad and resources, nobody's place is really in doubt, is it? That's something that simply has to change next season.


City stars given Wembley warning
ic Wales

Burnley v Cardiff City: MacDonald's chance?
Halifax Evening Courier

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